In the summer of 2020, Metsä Group conducted a large-scale ethics barometer, the aim of which is to get insights on how Metsä Group’s personnel perceives that business ethics and the Code of Conduct are realized in practice. Metsä Group's updated Code of Conduct was launched in spring 2019. More than 6,000 Metsä Group employees responded to the survey.
The results of the first ethics barometer were good overall. Based on the results of the survey, awareness of the requirements related to business ethics is at a very good level, the personnel regards the topic as important and also feels that people at Metsä Group act ethically correct.
In the light of the results, development needs can be identified in different areas of human resource management, equal treatment of people and in a culture where people have the courage to report unethical conduct and their concerns are addressed. Metsä Group is launching development measures identified based on the results in order to further promote ethical company culture.
“Acting ethically correct in all situations is very important at Metsä Group. Good results on average must not lead us to think that there is no room for improvement in the work communities and in the conduct of each one of us. The achieved result provides us a good platform to further develop our operations,” comments Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO of Metsä Group.
The Ethics Barometer is used to measure responsible corporate culture, which is one of Metsä Group's 2030 strategic sustainability objectives. The target result set for the ethics index is 100 % by 2030. The result of the first survey was 84.4 %.